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Lorena Hernandez Profile photo



Our Principal

Our mission at Elmer Cave Language Academy is to prepare every child to become bilingual and bi-literate, with a positive multicultural perspective that stems from a strong self-esteem. Together we can prepare them for a brighter future full of success towards career or college readiness.

It is critical that you become partners in their academic journey to success. Only with your support can we realize our vision to create opportunities for families and educators to work hand-in-hand to promote a more positive learning environment at home and at school. You are all encouraged to volunteer in any possible manner. We are asking for a commitment of 10 hours annually to contribute to improving your child’s school experience. There are strong indicators of student academic achievement when parents become involved at school.

White Divider Line
Student working on an class art project

We have a variety of ways for families to become involved.

These include, but are in no way limited to: helping out in the classroom, assisting teachers with copying, organizing projects, field trips or special events, helping with fundraisers, sharing interests or special talents with students during school or as part of our after-school enrichment program (which can include gardening, sewing, technology, cooking, art, music, sports, etc.)

White Divider Line

Currently we have a Folklorico and Theatre club and various classes offered in fall and spring.

We encourage all of you to become part of our growing Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) that provides fundraising for essential school supplies, incentives and field trips. We also count on the guidance and support of our School-Site Council (SSC) and English Language Advisory Council (ELAC). These organizations are critical to the efficiency of our school.

Two student friends posing for a picture together.
White Divider Line

I thank all of our fabulous families for their support and dedication to the educational experience of their children. 

This cooperation sustains and nurtures the creation of a better learning experience for all! Thanks again, and welcome to another year at Elmer Cave Language Academy.


Lorena Hernández